Welcome to a world full of sun spots! It's about Love, Life, Fairy Tales, Useless Things and a little bit philosophical Thoughts. And 2009 it's a lot about Sydney and Australia.
PS: Here are also some english posts with the label "
please in english". Find out that life is really a box of chocolates!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The bird

That is not the bird I mean. It's only a blackbird in front of my house. On the Backside of my house grows a big tree. He is beautiful. He has loads of green leafs and long flexible branches. He is always dancing. He's flirting with the wind, beckoning the clouds, painting my room with dancing sun spots and a big fat friend of the sun.
Yesterday after thunderstorms a wonderful light was in the top of my tree. I lounge around on my sofa just looking outside. Then a big bird like a falcon came flying and sat down right in this web of light. It was a special one and I couldn't say for sure, what it was. I went to fetch my camera and then the bird was gone. I was waiting a good while and went on my balcony, because there was suddenly a lust for snapping a bird. So I've got this. Just a blackbird.


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