Welcome to a world full of sun spots! It's about Love, Life, Fairy Tales, Useless Things and a little bit philosophical Thoughts. And 2009 it's a lot about Sydney and Australia.
PS: Here are also some english posts with the label "
please in english". Find out that life is really a box of chocolates!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What can I do in a new way?

Yes, there is it -the new year. Every year at this time it's the same. Wondering, am I satisfied with the last year? How many times I was awake or alive, how many feelings I've could feel? Are this feelings somewhere in me yet? Which people I've met, which experiences? Are there some new perceptions? Is there an development? How many times I was happy, unlucky or asleep without interest or awareness? Am I happy by now?
Then it's important to say: 'Yes, this was a good year.' or 'Oh no, it was horrible, I'll try to forget this.' or 'I say, it was ok, nevermind.' (ok, it's seldom. It's not typical for me). And then I create plans. What can I decide to do in this brand new year?

I must tell you I'm tired with stuff like that. However, I have an idea for the next days or weeks. It's about upshots and plans. There are different possibilities:
1. I conclude my day in one sentences or three points (every day if it's possible)
2. I tell you my cognition of the day.
3. I share my plans with you at the end of the day (for doing this, it's necessary to find out what I want)

Maybe, you can find a tiny evolution in this. It's not anymore about watching but more about sensing -less how it is, more what it really  is. Let's try!

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