Welcome to a world full of sun spots! It's about Love, Life, Fairy Tales, Useless Things and a little bit philosophical Thoughts. And 2009 it's a lot about Sydney and Australia.
PS: Here are also some english posts with the label "
please in english". Find out that life is really a box of chocolates!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

facebook and Co.

I had a couple of discussions about this thing with facebook, blogging and this whole internet friendship shit. I must admit I like to scroll the tiny points of my friend's life. I like the possibility to share cheery moments. What's wrong with that?
Well, friends from my real world argue this is likely unreal and it's only a exhibitionism thing and quite pathetic. Often I agree.
But in these days I think it's a good choice to share good things and things that are important for the people. What is the option in a world where we hate eachother in the families, where friends are abroad and husband and wife are living far away from eachother because of a job, where young couples are already devorced? I think at last is sharing important for all of us. Especially in this anyone-world. Anyway, meanwhile there is nothing more unreal of internet encounters or what you say?.


SOe said...

Ich habe 3 Jahre einen Blog einer Amerikanerin gelesen habe, deren Lebensgefährte aus Island stammt. Letzten August habe ich sie und ihren Mann schließlich persönlich getroffen und es war, als ob wir uns schon ewig kannten! Es war ein herrlicher Nachmittag und ich habe noch 3 weitere Internetbekannte von ihr getroffen, mit denen ich mich nun auch einmal im Monat zum Kaffee treffe.
Internet mag anonym sein, aber kennt man die Leute, die man im realen Leben trifft, wirklich so viel besser? Getäuscht kann man immer werden.
PS: In Island ist fast jeder bei Facebook angemeldet.

marlen said...

I wouldn`t want to miss that "exhibitionism" expecially when far away friends can put a smile on my face by sharing a bit of their life with me :)