Welcome to a world full of sun spots! It's about Love, Life, Fairy Tales, Useless Things and a little bit philosophical Thoughts. And 2009 it's a lot about Sydney and Australia.
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Thursday, March 8, 2007


...und was noch viel wichtiger ist, ist die Geschwindigkeit mit der du aufgibst. Als müsstest du dich beeilen und die Welt neu verteilen... [Kettcar]

Highend-Leben besiegt slow motion.

Was da nur noch hilft sind Gänseblümchenwindräder, Plastikherzen und Schokoriegel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Herman Dune:

Slow Century

you will be adorable,
and I’ll be staying
on the west coast
of florida
in a decent shelter
from hurricanes and storms

but it won’t take
the pain away
when it comes

it won’t take
the pain away
when it comes

I’ll lose my hair
but not my fire
and you will be
twenty forever
I’ll your body,
and leave no crumbs,

but it won’t take
the pain away
when it comes

it won’t take
the pain away
when it comes

I’ll sleep deep
with sheets and all
I’ll have four wheels
and four walls
I’ll give dollars
instead of quarters
to my fellow bums

but it won’t take
the pain away
when it comes

it won’t take
the pain away
when it comes

I’ll feed the
dolphins tofu and stars
I’ll take taxis
and whiskeys in bars
I’ll join a band
and be the older
guy on drums

but it won’t take
the pain away
when it comes

it won’t take
the pain away
when it comes