Welcome to a world full of sun spots! It's about Love, Life, Fairy Tales, Useless Things and a little bit philosophical Thoughts. And 2009 it's a lot about Sydney and Australia.
PS: Here are also some english posts with the label "
please in english". Find out that life is really a box of chocolates!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Puuh, there is really not much sunfleckr-time. However, my brain works with your suggestions. Many thanks to all!

I thought from the first second  'graditude' is very sophisticated. It's not that easy to find a way talking about it without a lofty or too much spiritual sound. It's a very powerfull word and so it's hard to fill it with lightness.
I know I needn't do this, but this is my challenge.

So I came up with the idea to name a cause for which I'm grateful each day. Feel free to join me!

My first spontanous graditude thing is:

Wednesday, 21st April
1. I'm glad to be able for intensive feelings.

Thursday, 22nd April
2. I'm very grateful to have been born in a peaceful country (by pure chance! -what a serendipity!).

Friday, 23th April
3. I'm grateful the universe keep on astonishing.

Saturday, 24 April
4. Everyday I'm very happy about the great deal of possibilities.

Sunday, 25 April
5. I'm so thankful that I'm able to see the possibilities and can see that there is a decision -my decision.

Monday, 26 April
6. I feel deep gratitude for my friends. My immense luck with my humans is such a gift!

Tuesday, 27 April
7. I'm very grateful that I'm healthy and able to work, to run, to argue, to create, to contribute and to grow.

Wednesday, 28 April
8. I am very pleased to have an imaginary world that makes it possible to feel like Alice in Wonderland.


Carmen Goetschius said...

I am grateful for Pablo Neruda, pink flowers, and the wonders of technology (expanded in my latest blog posting). Thanks for the inspiration!

marlen said...

I am grateful for my child.

katzkatz said...

Na, ich bin ja schon dankbar, wenn mich jemand an ein schönes Wort erinnert, an das ich lange nicht gedacht habe, und mich damit entzückt.

Manuela said...

Delightful idea!

We just need a sheet of paper on the inside of the office door. If all colleques has the duty to leave a daily cause for which he's grateful, everybody is "forced" to think about positive situations or happenings each day. This gimmick might be able to brighten our mood. And at the end of the week we can vote the best reason for be grateful. :)

Manuela said...

Sorry, denglisch. ;)
"to be grateful"

sunSAYler said...

Ela: That's a wonderful idea! Let's do it!