These days, one big question is hanging in the air. There are so many reasons why people are sad around me.
What can you do, if there is no chance to change the situation, the conditions, the opinion of the others?
I really believe in the power of yourself, your point and your disposition and your view of things. The changing of your position can change everything!
I do not mean changing your life, your wishes and what you really are.
One simple example is the position to time. Always I hear 'I can't, I have no time.' I'm cocksure it's a decision to take the time. The secret is, the things that make you sick, not taking too seriously. Only things that make you feeling pretty good are important. The world outside does'nt bring you luck. Only you, your world and inner world do it. And you can fortunately change the relationship to yourself .
One exercise: I'm sure you're a polite person who likes to help your friends in distress. Why you are so rigorous, impatient and rude with youself? If you change it, everything will be better. I promise!
I'm sounding like a teacher or worse a moralizer. Thats not my intention! It's just my experience.