Welcome to a world full of sun spots! It's about Love, Life, Fairy Tales, Useless Things and a little bit philosophical Thoughts. And 2009 it's a lot about Sydney and Australia.
PS: Here are also some english posts with the label "
please in english". Find out that life is really a box of chocolates!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Slow motion of the white

I like the dazzling/ dazlious white very much. It's really really wintertime! In Weimar is it very seldom. I like:
  • the noise by walking through the frozen snow
  • to jump into a big mountain of snow and leap from snowdrift to snowdrift
  • painting a large sun in the snow and giggling, when a friend notice the snow planet out of her window 
  • dicover that doves obvously are cold. They puff up till they look like grey snow balls.
  • to discuss how arise icicles and what excactly hoar frost is
  • to notice that a collegue, who's from siberia, is feeling lucky at last because of the snow
  • the traffic and the people are moving slower and calming down. Everything is in slow motion.

[puffing up doves]

[That's it what Katz shot]


snowsuncat said...

jaa! diese Geräusche sind wirklich elefantastisch! mit den Hacken der dicken Wanderschuhe langsam und kraftvoll in den festen Schnee drücken und abrollen - prima Knirschen! und mit den Hacken hohle Pfützen kaputtkraxen! wenn se nich kaputt gehen, kann man immer noch toll glennern. toller Job ist, wenn man von der Hebebühne aus Rieseneiszapfen von den Dachkanten abbrechen und 3 Stockwerke runterschmeißen darf! und unglaublich schön ist eine Luft voller Eisflittergeflimmer!

SOe said...

- die ersten Schneestapfen produzieren
- oder fallen lassen und einen Schneeengel zaubern :-)