Welcome to a world full of sun spots! It's about Love, Life, Fairy Tales, Useless Things and a little bit philosophical Thoughts. And 2009 it's a lot about Sydney and Australia.
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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Good night my someone

Ich musste augenblicklich an Pretty Woman denken, die auf die Frage, wie sie denn die Oper (ich glaube, es waren die lustigen Weiber) gefunden hat, antwortet, sie hätte sich fast in die Hosen gemacht.
Hier ist der Text von "Good night my someone" aus dem Musical "The music man"
Good night, my someone.
Good night, my love.
Sleep tight, my someone.
Sleep tight, my love.
Our star is shining its brightest light,
For good night, my love, for good night.
Sweet dreams be yours, dear, if dreams there be
--Sweet dreams to carry you close to me.
I wish they may and I wish they might.
Now good night, my someone, good night.
"True love can be whispered from heart to heart,
When lovers are parted," they say.
But I must depend on a wish and a star
As long as my heart doesn't know who you are.
Sweet dreams be yours, dear, if dreams there be
--Sweet dreams to carry you close to me.
I wish they may and I wish they might.
Now good night, my someone, good night.
Good night! Good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ich dachte letztens, ich wäre in der oper aus pretty woman!!! ich dachte nämlich, sie fliegen nach san francisco - aber es sah innen leider anders aus.

aber n.a.j.a.!