Welcome to a world full of sun spots! It's about Love, Life, Fairy Tales, Useless Things and a little bit philosophical Thoughts. And 2009 it's a lot about Sydney and Australia.
PS: Here are also some english posts with the label "
please in english". Find out that life is really a box of chocolates!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

presence without speaking - an experiment

Today I'm doing a little experiment. The day before yesterday I've read something about Mahatma Gandhi. Somebody visited him on his silence day. Gandhi had the habit spending one day per week without speaking. It's not so unusual for Indian people. And now I want to try this. Today I will not speak. Not one loud word. It's exciting.

In a way it reminds me of my first days in Sydney. If you could'nt speak good enough to explain who you are and what you think about this or that, it's amazing to notice that strangers are able to perceive your inner world or your manner or essence. I realized this much more later, but it was a really important message for me.

And so today I hope to experience my presence again without expressing explanations, assessments and opinions.

1 comment:

Carmen Goetschius said...

I look forward to hearing about your experiment! I tried this once. It was fascinating and restful. I only allowed myself to write. No speaking, no interacting with others, no movies or TV! Just music, silence, and writing! Enjoy!