Welcome to a world full of sun spots! It's about Love, Life, Fairy Tales, Useless Things and a little bit philosophical Thoughts. And 2009 it's a lot about Sydney and Australia.
PS: Here are also some english posts with the label "
please in english". Find out that life is really a box of chocolates!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Washing mashines

I'm a little bit unhappy with the sunfleckr-situation. I've just watched the best-of-sunfleckr video and it seems that all the things that happend brought me to this changing point. All these questions and view points, all these rags with love. It's over. I've got it to change my point of view. So my focus has changed. Even my problems have changed and some of my old stuff seems ridiculous.
A new friend said we are washing mashines. We don't have really new ideas. Always the same programs. I really think he is right. And I see it now. I'm a fucking washing mashine! I'm spending these days watching my programs, try to get aware and try to stop it. That's fun, believe me! It feels great to rock your development per evolving your sense, your knowledge, your perception.
I'm struggling to shut the door of sunfleckr and open a door to a new blog thing. No, I can't. Developement should be possible for sunfleckr, as well.

The photo was shot on a street festival in Weimar that calls "Weimar macht blau" (literally: 'Weimar makes blue' what means as far as to skip work)


SOe said...

Dann ist die ganze Menschheit eine riesiger Waschsaloon. Das klärt dann auch, warum die menschliche Geschichte immer wieder die selben Stories erzählt.
Aber ich bin schon etwas beunruhigt, dass du so pessimistisch betreffs deines Blogs bist. Am besten gehst du in die mentale Sommerpause und kommst mit frischen Ideen zurück. Abstand hilft ... habe ich gehört.

Carmen Goetschius said...

I think you are right about this whole "Wash-machine" theory. I like to think that your friend put your wash machine on "pause" for a minute. I think we have the capacity to do this-- we can open the door, pull some things out, rearrange the clothes, rearrange the settings and maybe the whole thing isn't as bad as we thought? :-)

New perspectives are always helpful. Thanks! And good luck in yours!