Welcome to a world full of sun spots! It's about Love, Life, Fairy Tales, Useless Things and a little bit philosophical Thoughts. And 2009 it's a lot about Sydney and Australia.
PS: Here are also some english posts with the label "
please in english". Find out that life is really a box of chocolates!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Worte mit lü

Lütsche (Talsperre), Lücke, Lüpzer Pils, Lübeck, Lürik, Lüdenscheid-Müller, lümmeln, Lüsterklemme, lüpfen, Lüpitz (Stadt), Lübelle, Lüttich (Stadt), Lüdecker F. (mein Kindergartenfreund), Lüge, Lüke-Jean (Kapitän), Lüftchen, Lüdia

Dieses Sammelsurium entstand zum Mädchenwandertag am Wochenende zwischen Gräfenroda (bei Gotha/ Thüringen) und dem Stausee der Lütsche-Talsperre.

Den Vogel gibts allerdings nicht am Stausee sondern in Cairns/ Australia

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Marmeladenbrot und richtige Wünsche

Was passiert, wenn eine Katze mit einem Marmeladenbrot auf dem Rücken irgendwo runterfällt? Schließlich weiß man seit der Know-How-Show, dass das Brot gesetzmäßig auf die Marmeladenseite fällt...

...stimmt es, im Sinne dieser äußerst interessanten Frage, dass etwas in Erfüllung geht, wenn man es sich nur ganz fest wünscht? Was passiert wenn sich ein anderer etwas ebenso fest wünscht, was aber das Gegenteil vom eigenen Wunsch beinhaltett?

Das SAMS hat für beides die Antwort:
...dann qualmt die Maschine und geht kaputt.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Koalas - nearly an Aborigine Story

Long ago there were many Koalas who would wander all over the land. Some were giants and able tor reach the tops of the eucalyptus trees along the Barwon River. After eating all the leaves, so none were left for the little ones, they would feel very comfortable and fall asleep along the river.

(I read this nice story on a sign in Sydney Wildlife World. I've filmed this little eating Koala in Featherdale Wildlife Park near Blacktown/ Sydney)

PS: Koalas don't have a belly.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The most dangerous animals and the coconuts

Did you know
- that 300 people die in Australia every year because of falling coconuts !
- only one person per year dies because of a poisonous snake.
- the more poisonous the snake, the more she is shy.
- just sometimes someone dies because of a crocodile attack. And this someone is allways a bold, careless tourist. (one of them was Steffen, a German tourist. He was joking a 6 1/2 m long crocodile with a stick, because he wanted a nice portrait of it. He've lost his leg and can be glad about this happy end.)
- there was never a shark attack belong the Sydney coast. Just last year was a shark attack against a diver in the harbour of Sydney. The diver has survived and came back with one leg and the horrors of it.
- Kangoroos not punch.
- Cassowary is the most dangerous bird in the world. They could kill a human, but they not do this. (They plan their attack for two. One of two draws the victim off, the other attacks. I'm not sure, if it's true. I've heard it.)

saltwater crocodile

typical spider

sleeping kangoroo