Welcome to a world full of sun spots! It's about Love, Life, Fairy Tales, Useless Things and a little bit philosophical Thoughts. And 2009 it's a lot about Sydney and Australia.
PS: Here are also some english posts with the label "
please in english". Find out that life is really a box of chocolates!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Körperlicher Mut wird ziemlich überbewertet. Was häufig zu kurz kommt, ist der Mut, der von Herzen kommt, der moralische Mut und der emotionale. Der Mut nämlich, für den man keine Anerkennung braucht.

(auch Mark Twain sagt: "Es ist kurios, das körperlicher Mut auf der Welt so häufig und moralischer Mut so selten ist.)

Das Foto ist am Wochenende beim Karateturnier des UFC Pappenheim e.V. entstanden.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Washing mashines

I'm a little bit unhappy with the sunfleckr-situation. I've just watched the best-of-sunfleckr video and it seems that all the things that happend brought me to this changing point. All these questions and view points, all these rags with love. It's over. I've got it to change my point of view. So my focus has changed. Even my problems have changed and some of my old stuff seems ridiculous.
A new friend said we are washing mashines. We don't have really new ideas. Always the same programs. I really think he is right. And I see it now. I'm a fucking washing mashine! I'm spending these days watching my programs, try to get aware and try to stop it. That's fun, believe me! It feels great to rock your development per evolving your sense, your knowledge, your perception.
I'm struggling to shut the door of sunfleckr and open a door to a new blog thing. No, I can't. Developement should be possible for sunfleckr, as well.

The photo was shot on a street festival in Weimar that calls "Weimar macht blau" (literally: 'Weimar makes blue' what means as far as to skip work)